Frequently asked questions

  • [Payment]
    Our company offers credit card payment, payment services, convenience store payment, and bank transfer (prepayment).
    Please check our shipping policy for details on each payment method.
  • [About shipping and delivery charges]
    1) How many days from order to shipping?

    Orders placed before 3pm will be dispatched on the same day if possible.
    If we are short on stock or if cutting or other processing is required, we will contact you to let you know the number of days required.

    Please note that orders placed after 3pm may be shipped the next day.
    *Please note that opening hours may differ around the New Year holidays and consecutive holidays. Please check the notice regarding opening hours.

    2) How many days from shipping to arrival?

    The estimated shipping time is as follows:

    ■Shikoku (excluding remote islands) Next day ■Kinki and Chugoku Next day to the day after ■Tokai, Hokuriku, Kanto, and Kyushu Day after the day after ■Tohoku, Hokkaido, and Okinawa Day after the day after

    This is not the case in remote areas or islands.

    *Please enter the arrival date if it is more than 3 days from now.
    If you do not specify this, we will ship as soon as possible while supplies last.

    3) Can I send it by mail (Yamato DM mail)?

    We do not ship products via mail.

    If you would like a cheaper shipping method, please use Letter Pack.