Changes to letter pack shipping fees
Thank you for always using LadyRisa of Tosa Washi.
We usually ship our products by courier,
For items that fit into A4 size paper, such as bags or cut paper, you can also choose to ship them via Letter Pack.
As may already be reported and many of you are aware, postal rates will be changing from October 1st.
Letter packs will also be increasing in price, so we will also be changing our shipping fees for shipments made from October 1st.
Letter Pack Light 370 yen → 430 yen
Letter Pack Plus 520 yen → 600 yen
*For changes to postal rates, please see the Japan Post announcement below.
Shipping fees will be changed from around 3:00 p.m. on September 30th, so if you are currently considering purchasing, please place your order as soon as possible.
☆This time only the letter pack fee will be changed.
There are plans for changes to the shipping route, but we will keep you updated.