
Flowers and Spring

Before we knew it, Valentine's Day, which I introduced in my last blog, will be over and March will be fast approaching. The peak of winter has passed and it...

Flowers and Spring

Before we knew it, Valentine's Day, which I introduced in my last blog, will be over and March will be fast approaching. The peak of winter has passed and it...

Valentine's Day

February 14th is Valentine's Day, and many men are probably starting to get excited as we're nearly into February... I'm sure all the women out there are thinking about who...

Valentine's Day

February 14th is Valentine's Day, and many men are probably starting to get excited as we're nearly into February... I'm sure all the women out there are thinking about who...

土佐和紙職人市inトリエンナーレ展 はじまります!

The Tosa Washi Craftsmen Market at the Triennal...

A large typhoon is approaching, and the three-day weekend is expected to have rough weather...In the midst of that, at the Ino Town Paper MuseumKochi International Print Triennale Exhibitionis being...

The Tosa Washi Craftsmen Market at the Triennal...

A large typhoon is approaching, and the three-day weekend is expected to have rough weather...In the midst of that, at the Ino Town Paper MuseumKochi International Print Triennale Exhibitionis being...